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》山东省专升本考试英语强化训练电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787209129039
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2021-02
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:29.24
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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针对日渐升温的专升本考试,2020年始,山东省教育厅 了新的政策,英语考试也一改多年面目,采用了新的题型。《山东省专升本考试英语学习指导》就是在这种背景下编著的。



部分 考纲及 试题分析 001

章 山东省2021 年普通高等教育专科升本科招生考试英语

( 公共课) 考试要求 002

第二章 山东省2020 年专升本考试英语真题 004

第三章 山东省2020 年专升本考试英语真题解析 014

第二部分 语言基础训练 025

节第二节 词汇训练 026

题型分析 026

应试策略 026

第三节 词汇实战训练100 题 070

第四节 时令词汇 078

第五节 历年真题中考到的词语 080


节 语法训练 085

题型与应试策略 085

第二节 语法必知:词的分类与用法 085

第三节 语法必知:句子的成分、结构与类型 100

第四节 语法必知:时态、语态和语气 108

第五节 语法必知:非谓语动词 119 第六节 语法必知:从句的种类 128 第七节 特殊句型 140

第八节 语法必会 146

第三部分 语言专项训练 151

章 篇章词汇选择填空 152

节 题型分析 152 第二节 应试策略 152 第三节 实战训练 158 第二章 阅读理解 162 节 大纲解析 162

第二节 阅读理解选择题得分技巧 162 第三节 七选五句子填空题得分技巧 169 第四节 专项训练(Ⅰ) 172

第五节 专项训练(Ⅱ) 182

第 三 章 翻 译 188

节 题型分析 188 第二节 应试策略 189 第三节 实战训练 194 第 四 章 写 作 199

节 写作概述 199

第二节 应用文写作 201 第三节 议论文写作 216 第四节 写作练习 221

第四部分 实战演练 225

模拟题1 226

模拟题2 235

模拟题3 243

模拟题4 253

模拟题5 261

模拟题6 270

模拟题7 279

模拟题8 286

附 录 294


杨登新,山东水利职业学院教授,山东省 教师,山东省水利厅专业技术拔尖人才,山东省高等教育出版集团特约专家、山东省外语职业教育专业建设指导委员会委员。担任“十二五”职业教育 规划教材《英语口语教程》 总主编(高等教育出版社,2016),主编出版《新版实用英语视听说教程》(复旦大学出版社,2013)、《水利英语基础教程》(黄河水利出版社,2013)、《工程造价英语》(复旦大学出版社,2016)等教材二十余部,著有《致远集》(1-3),主持的“商务英语口语”荣获 高等学校高职高专英语类专业教指委精品课程称号。




章山东省2021 年普通高等教育专科升本科招生考试英语(公共课)考试要求Ⅰ. 考试内容与要求本科目考试内容包括语言知识、语言运用等两个方面。考生对英语知识和技能的掌握应达到普通高校在校生非英语专业二年级的水平,同时满足进入本科院校继续学习的基本要求。具体内容与要求如下:一、语言知识(一)掌握《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》( 高等教育司编,高等教育出版社)规定的3400 个左右常用单词及500 个左右习惯用语和固定搭配的意义和基本用法。(二)掌握并能运用基本的语法结构和句型以及所学功能意念和话题。二、语言运用(一)阅读要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的语篇以及请柬、通知、公告、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息,完成不同的阅读任务。考生应能:1. 理解、捕捉文中具体信息; 2. 根据上下文识别指代关系;3. 根据上下文推断生词的词义;4. 根据所读内容做出简单的推理和判断;5. 理解所读内容的主旨;6. 理解所读内容的篇章结构;7. 理解作者的写作意图、作者的见解和态度;8. 识别不同文体的特征。(二)翻译要求考生能完成一般性话题中的中英文互译任务,考生应能:1. 正确理解原文;2. 应用正确的语法结构和恰当的词汇;3. 用地道的语言,准确传达原文的意思。(三)写作要求考生能根据题目要求完成简单的书面表达任务。考生应能:1. 写出常见体裁的应用文;2. 描述人物或事件,并进行评论;3. 根据文字提纲或图表提供的信息写短文或报告;4. 正确有效地运用所学语言知识,清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达思想,做到语句通顺,结构完整,文体规范。Ⅱ. 考试形式与题型一、考试形式考试采用闭卷、笔试形式。试卷满分100 分,考试时间120 分钟。二、题型考试题型从以下类型中选择:单项选择题、多项选择题、填空题、阅读理解、英译汉、汉译英、写作。 第二章山东省2020 年专升本考试英语真题本试卷分为第 I 卷和第 II 卷两部分, 共 12 页。满分 100 分。考 时 120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写到试卷规定的位置上,并将姓名、考生号、座号填(涂)在答题卡规定的位置。2. 第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在本试卷上无效。3. 第Ⅱ卷答题必须用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目 区域内相应的位置;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第Ⅰ卷Part I Cloze (15 points)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in the box. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the box is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each choice on the Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the box more than once. Researchers have found that people who go to concerts, shows and museums can live longer than who do not. Experts from University College London have been examining the lifestyles of over 6700 British People 15 years. They how often the people went out and what kinds of events they attended. They found that people over 50 years old regularly went to concerts were about 30 percent likely to die over the next 14 years. The researchers said the over -50s could extend their life engaging with the arts. In addition to living longer, concertgoers could also have more fun.The UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes there could be a lot of in the research. He said arts and culture could things like mental health, aging and loneliness. He announced plans for the UK’s National Health Service to use the arts to help people live a healthier life. One researcher said, “our results highlight the importance of to explore new social factors that affect our health.”Part II Reading Comprehension (45 points) Section A ( 30 points)Directions : In this section, there are three passages. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passageThe hiring process maybe different from one company to another. Nevertheless, the goal is the same — get the candidate who is the best fit for the position. Even so, how to choose that person? Here are some best practices used by industry leaders to attract the best talent for the job. In particular, these are the new trends in the hiring process to be prepared for when you have a job Interview.Typically, an interview is held in a conference room or office. However, this makes it easy for the employers and the candidate to act predictably. The problem with this approach is that at the end of a typical interview, the employers often don’t have a much better feel for the candidate than they do after reading the candidate’s resume. Alternatively, some employers walk around the office for part of the interview. This allows the employer to get a sense of how the candidate interacts with other people and whether the candidate is truly curious and interested in how the company runs.Another change is that some employers create teams to hire new employees in comparison to having just one administrator conduct the interview. Employers then get opinions from the team members. More importantly, this helps employers hire someone with whom current employees could get along.Also, employers want to make sure that candidates provide new viewpoints for the company. Before they hire someone, they think about the diversity of viewpoints that the candidate can bring to the company. Be prepared to share how you can add value to the company through your own unique perspective and how you will help the company solve problems creatively.Furthermore, many companies try to get a sense of the kind of work the candidates will do for the company before hiring them as full time employees. For example, they may offer you a temporary contract first as a consultant. Likewise, they may assign you a small task as part of the interviews process.11. What is a goal of a job interview for a company?A. To change the hiring process. B. To discuss some best practices.C. To find the right person for a job. D. To attract more industry leaders.12. What is the problem with atypical interview?A. A typical interview is held in the company.B. Employers may fail to know candidates well.C. Employers may ask candidates to read resumes.D. Atypical interview is held in a conference room.13. Why do some employers create teams to hire new employees? A. Because they have no time to participate in job interviews.B. Because they have to compare candidates with current employees.C. Because they want the current employees to form a few research teams.D. Because they want to ensure candidates can get on with other employees.14. What is the meaning of the underlined word “diversity” in Paragraph 4?A. variety B. value C. division D. necessity15. In this passage, the author mainly discusses .A. new viewpoints on a company B. new trends in the hiring processC. the importance of a job interview D. methods to get along with employeesPassage TwoQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passageIt is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and a large number of social media users look up to influencers to decide what to buy. These influencers are now playing an important role in achieving the goal of eliminating poverty in China.What is an influencer and how does a person become one? An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of followers because of the relationship with the audience and his or her knowledge in a particular area.Influencers often have large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies a direct way to customers’ hearts. Some agricultural companies also ask powerful influencers to market their products.According to report from China Daily, in an event targeted at helping poverty reduction, influencers attacked more than 930000 viewers. More than 45000 kilograms of agricultural products, at a total value of 400000 yuan, were ordered within a few hours. Such events have encouraged more and more people to become influencers. Here are five tips on how to do it.Choose your ideal area. What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited to talk about? Find the specific area that you are most interested in and develop it.Choose our medium and write an interesting bio( 简 历 ). Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. The best way to connect with your followers is to decide which medium should use, such as your own online blog Wechat or TikTok. Whenyou have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and the areas that you know a lot in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will follow you.Post regularly and continually. Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that you keep posting and following a specific topic.Tell an interesting story. Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect you.Make sure people can easily find your contents. Post them on a variety of social media, use“#” and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. Moreover, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience.16. A social media influencer is someone who .A. pays followers for new productsB. takes social relationship coursesC. specializes in social media studiesD. affects shopping decisions of followers17. Many companies want to use influencers to .A. sell their products B. develop new productsC. design their own websites D. examine customers’ hearts18. According to paragraph 4, why are many people eager to be influencers?A. Because they may run their own companies.B. Because they want to buy agricultural products.C. Because they want to make contributions to poverty reduction.D. Because they want to have more chances to gain access to blogs.19. What is the best way for influencers to connect with their followers?A. Focusing on their comments. B. Chatting with their best friends.C. Choosing the right online platform.D. Describing their favorite bloggers.20. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Five methods to influence buyers.B. Five tips on earning money as an influencer.C. Five methods to use influencers in marketing.D. Five tips on becoming a social media influencer.Passage ThreeQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passageChildren may not be using piggy banks( 存钱罐)for much longer;with the move towards a cashless society, pocket money is moving digital. To reflect this trend, a lot of mobile budgeting apps for children have been developed worldwide: GoHenry, Osper andGimi, to name a few.These apps offer a simple money management service to children, often for a monthly fee paid by the parents. Parents can add money to children’s accounts, set limits and monitor transactions, while children can choose to save their money or spend it using a prepaid card. The apps suggest minimum ages ranging from six to nine for theprepaid card.The companies behind the apps argue that in an increasingly cashless society, these apps can be a valuable way of teaching young children about money. Two thirds of adults globally know little about finance, according to Standard & Poor’s Global Financial Literacy Survey, and one in four teenagers are unable to make even simple decisions on everyday spending.These apps aim to overcome this, claiming to teach children financial concepts, such as budgeting, interest rates and income. For instance, the Swedish app Gimi—with 1.2 million users globally has online savings jars where children can deposit money. Parents can pay children interest as they save, and pay children for completing household tasks. The account is attached to a prepaid card that is currently available in Sweden only, but expected to launch elsewhere in Europe in 2020.“Cash was the best way to teach people about financial knowledge because it’s so easy to grasp,” Philip Haglund, CEO of Gimi, mentions. “Now money is being transferred through some kind of cyberspace, which is really abstract and hard for anyone to understand.” Haglund believes the app can teach responsible spending habits, whereas schools tend to focus more on economic theories. “You don’t become better at money management just because you have a degree in economics. It’s more about the attitude and the relationship you have with parents’ money when you’re six to twelve years old,” he says.But Catherine Winter, managing director of financial capability at The London Institution of Banking and Finance, warns that while digital tools can help, there needs to be a more structured approach to financial education. The area should “have regular classroom time and ideally should be taught as a separate subject.” she says, ”Children would then have the right context and foundation to get the most out of both the apps and their money.”21. What is the major role of mobile budgeting app?A. Buying favorite goods. B. Paying fees for parents.C. Managing pocket money. D. Keeping an eye on children.22. According to the passage, the Swedish app Gimi can .A. guide parents to manage companiesB. give children basic ideas of financeC. guide children to do their homeworkD. teach parents how to invest their money23. What can we infer from Philip Hag words?A. A degree in economics guarantees the capability of managing money.B. Cyberspace is the best medium for children to get financial knowledge.C. The app Gimi helps children develop positive attitudes towards money.D. Cash transactions are abstract and difficult for most people to understand.24. What does Catherine Winter suggest regarding financial education?A. It should be well organized. B. It should be done in cyberspace.C. It should be provided by parents. D. It should be a self-taught subject. 25. What is the passage mainly about?A. A new way of saving money at a local bank.B. A new way of teaching children about money.C. A new course on gaining financial knowledge.D. A new method of monitoring online transactions.Section B (15 points)Directions: In this section, some sentences have been removed. For questions 26- 30, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit into any of the blanks. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.Every time you are online, you may find pictures, articles, links and videos trying to tell their stories. 26 Some news spread quickly, and the result is fake( 虚假的) news.Experts in media studies and online psychology have been examining the fake news phenomenon. 27 Check the source. Look at the website where the story comes from. A fake news website may use an address that sounds like a real newspaper, but does not have many real stories about other topics. 28 Many fake news stories use images from unrelated sites. Sometimes, if you just look closely at an image, you can see if it has been changed. Or use a search tool to see if the same image has been used in other contexts.Check the story in other places. Try to see if the story you are reading is on other news sites that you know and trust. 29 Look for other signs. There are other techniques that fake news uses. For example, lots of ads pop up when you click on a link. 30 If the news story makes you angry, it is probably designed to make you angry.If you know these things about online news and can apply them in your everyday life, then you have controlled over what to read, what to believe and what to share.A. Watch out for fake photos. B. Unfortunately, not all of these stories are true.C. Young people like to share information online.D. Read the following advice and don’t get fooled.E. You can also think about how the story makes you feel.F. If you do find it on many other sites, then it probably isn’t fake.G. But they want you to click on the same image used in other contexts.第Ⅱ卷Part III Translation (20 points) Section A (10 points)31. Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate it into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.Regular exercise can reduce the damage that long-term stress may have on our body. Scientists have discovered that exercise can decrease depression, lower anxiety and help us sleep. When we exercise, all of the body’s systems like muscular and nervous systems have to communicate with each other more closely than usual. So, exercise makes the body more efficient and enhances the body’s ability to respond to stress.Section B (10 points)32. Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate it into English. Your translation should be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.竹子(bamboo)深受中国人民的喜爱。竹文化长久以来根植于中国人的思想中。对中国人来说,竹子是美德的象征。中国古代的学者对竹子 敬重,这也是为什么历 有那么多以竹子为主题的书画作品的原因。 Part IV Writing (20 points)33. Directions: In this part, you should write a letter of no less than 100 words in English based on the following information.It is time for students to go back to school. Suppose you are Li Hua. Write a letter to your classmate Wang Hong to give your suggestions about the prevention and control of the COVID-19(新冠状病毒). Your letter should include:1. What measures should be taken after students return to school?2. Why are these measures necessary?You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 第三章山东省2020 年专升本考试英语真题解析对比历年的专升本英语真题,山东省2020 年的英语专升本试题采用了新题型, 具体有如下变化:1. 听力题取消;2. 词汇语法单选题取消;3. 新增选词填空题型;4. 新增七选五句子填空题型;5. 翻译题中的汉英匹配题和单句英译汉题统一改为段落翻译。整体看来,山东省2020 年专升本英语试题的题型较往年发生了显著的变化, 题型设计采用了部分高考英语题型( 七选五句子填空)和大学英语四级题型( 选词填空,段落翻译),试题难度也介于高考与四级之间,而且目前专升本英语题型有向大学英语四级考试题型靠近的趋势,但难度还是明显低于四级考试。具体来说, 山东省专升本的英语考题设计不再侧重于考查学生的某一单项语言基础知识,例如取消词汇语法单选题,而是把词汇和语法这些语言的基础知识贯穿到语篇中,例如新增选词填空和七选五句子填空题型。这些题型的改变是山东省专升本英语考试的风向标:既测试考生的语言基本功,又考查考生综合运用语言的能力,体现了专升本英语考试大纲的要求。下面针对2020 年真题,具体分析每种题型的特点及应试指导。 一、选词填空(一)题型介绍选取一篇150 — 200 词的文章,体裁多为社科和科普类,文中抠出10 个空,有12 个待选词供考生选择,考生需要从待选词中选择合适的词分别填入空格中,使整篇文章通顺、流畅。每个待选词只会被使用一次。专升本的这个题型基本等同于大学英语四级考试的选词填空,区别是虽然四级考试的空格也是10 个,但待选词是15 个,试题难度 大一些。(二)题型重点和难点选词填空这个题型的考查重点有两方面,一是考生对文章的理解能力,其次是考生运用词汇和语法结构的能力。考生要在理解文章的基础上判断单词的取舍。其中词性、短语搭配、语法是考查的侧重点。难点是辨别空格所需词性,因为待选词有两个干扰项,万一选错一个,可能会导致满盘皆输。(三)2020 考题分析2020 年的选词填空题是一篇社科类文章,考题提供了12 个待选词,其中动词4个(studied, continuing, improve, ignored),代词3 个(who, whose, those),介词2 个(by, for),副词2 个(recently, less),名词1 个(truth)。从待选词词性分布数量来看, 动词是考查的重点,它的词形变化反映了动词在句中的使用受到语法的巨大影响。例如They how often the people went out and what kinds of events they attended. 这个句子。通过分析,我们可以发现这个句子有主语they。how often the people went out and what kinds of events they attended. 这两个并列的从句在句子中扮演的是宾语的角色,所以,判断出主句缺少谓语动词。我们从四个待选的动词中进行选择,又因为从句的时态是过去式,所以可以推理出主句也是过去式,所以答案在studied 与ignored 之间选择,通过前文的理解,我们已经知道经常去音乐会、展览和博物馆的人 容易活得长,所以空格处肯定不是忽略人们出行,因此选择studied。(四)做题指导选词填空题中 重要的内容就是判断候选词的词性,根据词性可以填对大多数空格。需要注意的有以下几点:1. 掌握各种词性的规律性用法。例如副词可以修饰形容词、动词及副词。了解词性的用法有助于迅速定位空格处所需的词性。






针对日渐升温的专升本考试,2020年始,山东省教育厅出台了新的政策,英语考试也一改多年面目,采用了新的题型。《山东省专升本考试英语学习指导》就是在这种背景下编著的。 编者从事专升本及专本贯通教学与辅导数年,对于考生的英语水平及学习习惯等十分了解。为了帮助考生应对新的考试题型,编者也在研究新政策的基础上,以新的指导思想为统领,紧密围绕考纲,认真分析重要考点,并在应考技巧方面给予指导。本书既注重语言的基本功训练,也重视实战模拟,使得全书兼具实用性与针对性。


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