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Book Description
Bestselling author and marketing guru Joe Vitale offers insights and life lessons for achieving success
In the simple, straightforward tone of an instructional manual, this little book offers big wisdom and little-known secrets for living a better life. Packed with life lessons most people will wish they'd learned earlier, Life's Missing Instruction Manual uses humor and anecdote to present practical steps readers can use to take control of their lives, overcome any obstacle, and find fulfillment. Each simple lesson is explained and brought into focus with real-life examples and includes practical steps on putting those lessons to work every day. Full of uncommon wisdom and lighthearted humor, this book will help readers develop confidence, create a plan for success, get ahead at work, build rapport with others, develop time-management skills, and find wealth and happiness.
Readers will learn how to live life to the fullest when they discover how to:
* Take chances that lead to success
* Get through the tough times
* Be themselves and like it
* Find their purpose
* Work as a team
* Create their own blueprint for success
* Believe in themselves
* Lead a good and moral life
* Accept their mistakes and move on
* Define success for themselves
Joe Vitale (Wimberley, TX) is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., and author of The Attractor Factor (0-471-70604-3) and The E-Code (0-471-71855-6). He has been called "the Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Hermann Children's Hospital, and many other small and large international businesses.
From Publishers Weekly
Vitale, "the Buddha of the Internet," compiles a trove of life lessons from "internet celebrities," motivational speakers, writers and entertainment industry folks in this little book that offers a mishmash of oft-heard self-help homilies. Bits of wisdom and anecdotes are bundled into chapters with titles like, "Your Feelings Are Your Hidden Thoughts" or "How to Know What You Want." Each chapter is punctuated by subheads that address the finer points, including "Naps Are Good," which advises: "When the world seems bleak, when you feel out of sorts, when your body feels tired and you mind seems wild, sometimes all you need is a good nap." Vitale frequently mentions his previous books (The Attractor Factor; The E-Code), and includes short essays from other enterprising authors or "internet marketers" that are virtually indistinguishable from each other's (and Vitale's) in style, content and form. Worth noting is the journey the book takes from the simple advice at the beginning to the hints on manipulating people-"People Will Tend To Say Yes If You Start Them Saying Yes" and "People Will Pay Any Amount of Money to Have Their Inner States Changed"-that creep into the end of the book. Searchers intent on finding instructions on living a fulfilling life should seek a less scattershot book, but readers looking for the odd pick-me-up will find them in large supply here.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)21.9 width:(cm)16.6
Book Description
Bestselling author and marketing guru Joe Vitale offers insights and life lessons for achieving success
In the simple, straightforward tone of an instructional manual, this little book offers big wisdom and little-known secrets for living a better life. Packed with life lessons most people will wish they'd learned earlier, Life's Missing Instruction Manual uses humor and anecdote to present practical steps readers can use to take control of their lives, overcome any obstacle, and find fulfillment. Each simple lesson is explained and brought into focus with real-life examples and includes practical steps on putting those lessons to work every day. Full of uncommon wisdom and lighthearted humor, this book will help readers develop confidence, create a plan for success, get ahead at work, build rapport with others, develop time-management skills, and find wealth and happiness.
Readers will learn how to live life to the fullest when they discover how to:
* Take chances that lead to success
* Get through the tough times
* Be themselves and like it
* Find their purpose
* Work as a team
* Create their own blueprint for success
* Believe in themselves
* Lead a good and moral life
* Accept their mistakes and move on
* Define success for themselves
Joe Vitale (Wimberley, TX) is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., and author of The Attractor Factor (0-471-70604-3) and The E-Code (0-471-71855-6). He has been called "the Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Hermann Children's Hospital, and many other small and large international businesses.
From Publishers Weekly
Vitale, "the Buddha of the Internet," compiles a trove of life lessons from "internet celebrities," motivational speakers, writers and entertainment industry folks in this little book that offers a mishmash of oft-heard self-help homilies. Bits of wisdom and anecdotes are bundled into chapters with titles like, "Your Feelings Are Your Hidden Thoughts" or "How to Know What You Want." Each chapter is punctuated by subheads that address the finer points, including "Naps Are Good," which advises: "When the world seems bleak, when you feel out of sorts, when your body feels tired and you mind seems wild, sometimes all you need is a good nap." Vitale frequently mentions his previous books (The Attractor Factor; The E-Code), and includes short essays from other enterprising authors or "internet marketers" that are virtually indistinguishable from each other's (and Vitale's) in style, content and form. Worth noting is the journey the book takes from the simple advice at the beginning to the hints on manipulating people-"People Will Tend To Say Yes If You Start Them Saying Yes" and "People Will Pay Any Amount of Money to Have Their Inner States Changed"-that creep into the end of the book. Searchers intent on finding instructions on living a fulfilling life should seek a less scattershot book, but readers looking for the odd pick-me-up will find them in large supply here.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)21.9 width:(cm)16.6
- 格式多(531+)
- 值得下载(576+)
- 字体合适(320+)
- 还行吧(165+)
- 无广告(436+)
- 品质不错(459+)
- 藏书馆(365+)
- 网友 冷***洁:
- 网友 常***翠:
- 网友 孔***旋:
- 网友 蓬***之:
- 网友 居***南:
- 网友 敖***菡:
- 网友 印***文:
- 网友 屠***好:
- 网友 濮***彤:
- 网友 养***秋:
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