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WOMEN DON'T ASK(ISBN=9780553383874)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780553383874
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-02
  • 页数:252
  • 价格:58.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


  Combining fascinating research with revealing commentary from

hundreds of women, this groundbreaking book explores the personal

and societal reasons women seldom ask for what they need, want, and

deserve at home and at work–and shows how they can develop this

crucial skill.  

By neglecting to negotiate her starting salary for her first job,

a woman may sacrifice over half a million dollars in earnings by

the end of her career. Yet, as research reveals, men are four times

more likely to ask for higher pay than are women with the same

qualifications. From career promotions to help with child care,

studies show time and again that women don’t ask–and frequently

don’t even realize that they can. Women Don’t Ask offers real-life

examples of the differences between the negotiating habits of men

and women, and guides women in retooling their attitudes and

approaches. Discover how to:  

? Take the first step–choosing to negotiate at all

? Develop a comfortable, effective negotiation style

? Overcome fear, personal entitlement issues, and gender






  Linda Babcock is James M. Walton Professor of Economics at the

H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management of

Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has

also been a visiting professor at Harvard Business School, The

Unicersity of Chicago Graduate School of Business, and the

California Institute of Technology. A specialist in negotiation and

dispute resolution, her research has appeared in the most

prestigious economics, inductrial relations, and law


  Sara Laschever's work has been published by the New York Times,

the New York Review of Books, and Vogue, among other publications.

She was also the principal interviewer for Project Access, a

landmark Harvard University srudy on women in science careers

funded by the National Science Foundation. She lives in Concord,








In women's perception, their circumstances are more fixed and absolute—less negotiable—than they really are. It also highlights the assumption made by many women that someone or something else is in control. This assumption has a broad impact on women’s behaviour.

Instead of looking for ways to improve a difficult situation, women often assume that they are “stuck” with their circumstances. Instead of publicizing their accomplishments, they hope that hard work alone will earn them the recognition and rewards they deserve. Instead of expressing interest in new opportunities as they arise, they bide their time, assuming that they will be invited to participate if their participation is wanted. They think any allowable divergences from the status quo will be announced and offered to everyone...

Louise, 37, a high-ranking power company executive, routinely negotiates deals worth millions of dollars. But when it comes to her own compensation, she would rather be given what she deserves and spared the necessity of asking for it. In a well-managed company, she believes, senior management should recognize everyone’s individual contributions and give them what they’re worth. “They ought to just deal with those inequities,” she said. “And it shouldn’t be always on the employee to ask.”

Likewise, even though Christine learned early that she needs to promote her own interest on the job, she persists in feeling that when an industry is moving ahead and pay levels re increasing, valuable employees shouldn’t be forced to ask for their salaries to be adjusted accordingly. “My own feeling,” s...

Why are men more likely than women to take the chance of asking for something they want, even when there’s no obvious evidence that the change they want is possible? A group of psychologists had identified an interesting gender difference that helps answer this question. Using something called a “lotus of control” scale, these researchers measure the extent to which individuals believe that their behaviour influences their circumstances. The lower people score on the scale, the more they perceive their fate to be influenced by internal rather than external factors.

一般而言,同男性相比,女性更担心自己的行动给人际关系带来的影响。这种担心会促使她们改变行动策略来维护人际关系,她们有时候会间接地提出要求,有时候会要求低于自己期待值的东西,有的时候只是努力使自己更值得获得自己想要的东西(比如,通过更努力地工作),寄希望于不提出要求就得到自己想要的东西。女性还常常会采取比男性的策略更具合作性的办法来解决问题,希望能够找到对双方都有好处的办法, 将自己的要求同共同的目标统一起来。











Combining fascinating research with revealing commentary from hundreds of women, this groundbreaking book explores the personal and societal reasons women seldom ask for what they need, want, and deserve at home and at work–and shows how they can develop this crucial skill.

By neglecting to negotiate her starting salary for her first job, a woman may sacrifice over half a million dollars in earnings by the end of her career. Yet, as research reveals, men are four times more likely to ask for higher pay than are women with the same qualifications. From career promotions to help with child care, studies show time and again that women don’t ask–and frequently don’t even realize that they can. Women Don’t Ask offers real-life examples of the differences between the negotiating habits of men and women, and guides women in retooling their attitudes and approaches. Discover how to:

• Take the first step–choosing to negotiate at all

• Develop a comfortable, effective negotiation style

• Overcome fear, personal entitlement issues, and gender stereotypes


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