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The distinguished historian of the Jewish people, Howard M.
Sachar, gives us a comprehensive and enthralling chronicle of the
achievements and traumas of the Jews over the last four hundred
Tracking their fate from Western Europe’s age of mercantilism in
the seventeenth century to the post-Soviet and post-imperialist
Islamic upheavals of the twenty-first century, Sachar applies his
renowned narrative skill to the central role of the Jews in many of
the most impressive achievements of modern civilization: whether in
the rise of economic capitalism or of political socialism; in the
discoveries of theoretical physics or applied medicine; in “higher”
literary criticism or mass communication and popular
As his account unfolds and moves from epoch to epoch, from
continent to continent, from Europe to the Americas and the Middle
East, Sachar evaluates communities that, until lately, have been
underestimated in the perspective of Jewish and world history—among
them, Jews of Sephardic provenance, of the Moslem regions, and of
Africa. By the same token, Sachar applies a master’s hand in
describing and deciphering the Jews’ unique exposure and functional
usefulness to totalitarian movements—fascist, Nazi, and Stalinist.
In the process, he shines an unsparing light on the often widely
dissimilar behavior of separate European peoples, and on separate
Jewish populations, during the Holocaust.
A distillation of the author’s lifetime of scholarly research and
teaching experience, A History of the Jews in the Modern World
provides a source of unsurpassed intellectual richness for
university students and educated laypersons alike.
From the Hardcover edition.
I The Jew as Non-European
II A Glimmering of Dawn in the West
III An Ambivalent Emancipation in the West
IV Incarceration: The Jews of Tsarist Russia
V The Triumph of Emancipation in the West
VI Jews in an Emancipated Economy
VII The Impact of Western Culture on Jewish Life
VIII A Sephardic-Oriental Diaspora
IX The Rise of Jewish Life in America
X False Dawn in the East: Alexander II and the Era of
XI Russian Twilight: The Era of Pogroms and May Laws
XII A Migration of East European Jewry: 1881–1914
XIII The Onset of Modern Antisemitism
XIV The Mutation of Racism
XV The Rise of Zionism
XVI The Evolution of Jewish Radicalism:Tsarist Russia
XVII Socialist “Internationalism” in Western Europe: The Trauma of
World War I
XVIII The Triumph of Bolshevism
XIX The Balfour Declaration and the Jewish National Home
XX The Legacy of Progressivism: Immigrant Jewry in the United
XXI Successor States and Minority Guarantees: 1919–1939
XXII The Triumph of East European Fascism
XXIII A Final Symbiosis of Jewish and Western Culture
XXIV A Climactic Onslaught of Postwar Antisemitism
XXV The Triumph of Nazism
XXVI The Quest for Sanctuary: 1933–1939
XXVII The Holocaust of European Jewry
XXVIII The Final Solution and the Struggle for Jewish
XXIX The Birth of Israel
XXX Eastern Jewry in the Postwar: A Failed Convalescence
XXXI A Precarious Revival in Western Europe
XXXII The Jews of British Commonwealth
XXXIII A Latin Israel in the Southern Hemisphere
XXXIV The Efflorescence of American-Jewish Community
XXXV The Jewish State and World Jewry
XXXVI Israel, the United States, and the Struggle for Soviet
Dr. Sachar received his undergraduate education at Swarthmore
and took his graduate degrees at Harvard. He has taught Modern
European, Jewish, and Middle Eastern history, and lived in the
Middle East for six years, two of them on fellowship, the rest as
founder-director of Brandeis University's Hiatt Institute in
Jerusalem. Dr. Sachar has contributed to many scholarly journals,
is the author of numerous books, and the editor of the
thirty-ninevolume The Rise of Israel: A Documentary History. He
serves as Charles E. Smith Professor of history at George
Washington University, is a consultant and lecturer on Middle
Eastern affairs for numerous governmental bodies, and lectures
widely in the United States and abroad.
The Jew as Non-European
A Tremulous Minority In the eighteenth century, a majestic
silhouette of battlements and spires greeted the traveler who made
his way down the valley of the lower Main River. It was the profile
of Frankfurt, one of the four remaining free cities of the Holy
Roman Empire, and one of the German world’s three most important
commercial entrep?ts. Frankfurt’s cobblestoned streets teemed with
movement, with shouting hucksters, bawling cattle driven in for
sale and slaughter, rattling vegetable carts pushed along to
market, paunchy burghers and weather-beaten farmers arguing the
cost and quality of produce. But as the traveler continued down the
main Sachsenh?user Bridge into the city’s principal business
center, pausing occasionally to sample the wares in shops and
pavilions, stalls and warehouses, he found his way barred by the
B?rheimertor, a large wooden gate demarcating still another townlet
within the larger urban area, a ganglion of twisting alleys,
ramshackle storefronts and cramped apartment structures. The gate’s
solitary entrance, guarded by an armed warden, suggested that a
prison community may have been locked inside. The notion was not
entirely far-fetched. The little enclosure was the Judengasse, the
ghetto of the Jews.
The ghetto of Frankfurt-am-Main, and comparable enclaves in
scores of other towns and cities throughout West-Central Europe,
evinced a central fact of Jewish life well into the Modern Era.
This was the Jews’ indeterminate status as non-Europeans. It is
fair to speculate, then, whether the Jews were foreigners or
interlopers. Were they voluntary immigrants newly arrived from
other lands or continents? Or had they been transported to Europe
as captives, as African slaves had been imported to the New World?
None of these descriptions would have been apt. The Jews were
neither recent slaves nor recent immigrants. Most, rather, were
descended from ancestors who had lived on European soil for many
hundreds of years, in some instances as far back as the Roman
Empire. In the German world, their settlement traced back at least
to the eleventh century, and in Frankfurt itself to the twelfth
century, when some two hundred Jews took up residence in the
squalid little encinture beyond the B?rheimertor. Even this initial
settlement in Frankfurt was intermittently curtailed. In the
fourteenth century, the city’s inhabitants, and those of other
German communities, were ravaged by the bubonic plague. Afterward,
it became the custom to attribute the “Black Death” to the Jews,
the “wizards,” the “devils,” who had survived the epidemic in
inexplicably greater numbers than their neighbors (possibly owing
to Judaic hygienic regulations). In their fear and rage, local
populations in ensuing years hurled themselves into a succession of
anti-Jewish massacres. Those Jews who escaped Christian mobs fled
eastward, most of them ultimately to settle in Polish and other
Slavic territories (p. 9ff.).
In the sixteenth century, small numbers of Jews ventured a return
to Central Europe. Their reception was not congenial—not in an age
of religious turmoil. This time, they encountered the animus of
Protestant Reformers and Catholic Counter-Reformers alike. The
obloquy that attached to their presence was revealed in an obscene
sixteenth-century graffito carved into Frankfurt’s ghetto wall. It
revealed a trio of Jews debasing themselves around a sow. As one
Jew suckled at the animal’s teats, another (in rabbinical garb)
lifted the Judensau’s tail, allowing the third (also a rabbi) to
drink the animal’s excrement. Several feet higher on the ghetto
wall an even more repellent carving appeared, this one of a dead
baby, its body punctured by countless miniature knife wounds, and
beneath its corpse an array of nine daggers. The caption read, “On
Maundy Thursday in the year 1475, the little child Simon, aged two,
was killed by the Jews.” The inscription alluded to the death of
Simon of Trent, allegedly a victim of Jewish “ritual murder.” In
Frankfurt, these graphic expressions of Jew-hatred dated back at
least to the fourteenth century, and in France to the twelfth
century, when the myth first became current that Jews were enjoined
by their religion to slay Christian maidens and children, whose
blood was presumed necessary for the Passover festival. Thus
diabolized, most Jews would not risk setting foot in Central Europe
until the latter seventeenth century. Only then, with religious
passions largely exhausted following the carnage of the Thirty
Years’ War, did Habsburg Emperor Ferdinand III allow substantial
numbers of Jews to resettle in Prague and Budapest and in such
imperial “free” cities as Frankfurt; and other German princes also
then relaxed their bans on Jews.
Nevertheless, throughout the Habsburg Empire and the German
principalities alike, numerous towns, districts, and duchies
continued to exclude Jews. Some municipalities admitted Jews, some
did not. Even in Leipzig, where Jews played an important role in
the city’s great fairs, it was not until 1713 that a single Jewish
family was permitted to settle permanently, and forty more years
passed before a second one was admitted. Official policy was
continually in flux. Vienna’s tiny nucleus of Jews was expelled in
1670. Although several Jewish families were readmitted five years
later, it was not until 1748 that Jews were allowed to form an
organized community in the Austrian capital. Even where the various
governments of Central and Western Europe allowed a certain
incremental Jewish resettlement, their reasons were narrowly
pragmatic. Barred from access to the feudal land system of Europe,
Jews over the centuries had generated a compensatory vocational
experience in trade and moneylending. Determined to exploit this
Jewish talent for producing liquid wealth, substantial numbers of
rulers were willing intermittently to protect “their” Jews as
dependable sources of taxes and loans. Thus, Habsburg Emperor
Ferdinand II, although a militant early-seventeenth-century
defender of the Counter-Reformation, was unwilling to dispense with
Jewish funds for his military campaigns. Neither would Protestant
kings and dukes. It was strictly as a quid pro quo for their money,
therefore, that Jewish communities were allowed to revive in a
succession of Protestant and Catholic dominions. By the mid-1700s,
the Jewish demography in Central and Western Europe may have
approached 300,000–400,000. These included approximately 165,000 in
the German states; 35,000 in Habsburg Bohemia, Moravia, as well as
in the city of Vienna; 80,000 in Hungary; 40,000 in France; 80,000
in the Dutch and Belgian Netherlands; and 8,000 in England.
A People in Quarantine
For the privilege of return, however, the Jews paid a price that
transcended loans and taxes. Responding to the demands of clergy
and of local guild members, state and local governments limited
Jews to vocations disdained by gentiles. For this reason, perhaps
as many as three-fourths of the Jews in Central and Western Europe
were limited to the precarious occupations of retail peddling,
hawking, and “street-banking,” that is, moneylending. Some Jews
managed to earn enough to establish small shops. Most did not. In
their struggle for a livelihood, they generated a sizable
underclass of beggars, fencers, pimps, even robbers, thereby
creating a self-fulfilling gentile scenario of Jews, one that would
be endlessly invoked by Jew-haters throughout the late eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries.
These constraints must be judged in the context of their time, of
course. If Jews possessed fewer rights than did their urban
Christian neighbors, they also bore fewer obligations and enjoyed
more privileges than did Europe’s peasant masses. Even in
comparatively prosperous Western Europe, most villagers remained
bound to the soil. In 1689 a French commentator, Jean de La
Bruyère, described his nation’s peasantry as “savage-looking beings
. . . black, livid, and sunburnt. . . . They seem capable of
articulation and, when they stand erect, they display human
lineaments. They are in fact men. [Yet] they retire at night into
their dens, where they live on black bread, water and roots.” As
late as the eighteenth century, French and German peasants were
encumbered by a wide variety of tailles, tithes, decimes, and
quitrents, obliged to pay tolls and dues at bridges and fairs, to
labor on the king’s roads, to serve in militias, to purchase their
staples from royal monopolies. In contrast, the Jews were better
off. Although burdened with arbitrary restrictions and taxes that
often were little short of crippling, they were spared the
obligation of feudal military service. They could move reasonably
freely from place to place. They were allowed in effect to govern
themselves (pp. 8–9). These were not trivial privileges.
Nevertheless, even in a Europe not lacking in afflictions and
injustices, there remained constraints on Jewish life that
eventually became insupportable. One of these was the ghetto. These
walled slum-shanty neighborhoods effectively barred Jews from all
but the narrowest, commercial—daytime—interaction with the gentile
citizenry. It had not always been so. The first Spanish and Italian
ghettos of the late medieval era actually had been requested by the
Jews themselves as private, self-governing “territories.” Be- yond
trading hours, after all, what need or desire could Jews have had
for contact with the hostile Christian world? Who would have
imagined in those earlier years, when populations were small and
plague-decimated, that in time the ghetto would become dangerously
overcrowded? By the mid-sixteenth century, however, the ghetto more
commonly was imposed f...
"A rich and balanced account. . . . There is no other book
that attempts, as this one does, to recount the history of the Jews
in modern times in all its geographical variation and breathtaking
disparity." –Washington Post Book World
"Magisterial . . . Sachar situates Jews on a global stage. . . .
[He] relates an immensely complex story with precision and
learning." –New York Times Book Review
"[Sachar’s book features] an erudition that is confidently and
casually displayed, a range of topics covered with crisp lucidity,
and sentences whose cadences effortlessly sweep the reader along."
–The Boston Globe
"Like all of Sachar's books, this too is comprehensive,
illuminating, and readable. He weaves Jewish history through the
intricacies of modern developments with a magisterial sweep."
–Shlomo Avineri, Professor of Political Science Emeritus, The
Hebrew University
"A magnum opus....comprehensive, analytical, and written in a
felicitous style....The book is a must. Both the lay and specialist
reader will be richly rewarded." –Isaiah Friedman, Professor of
Modern History Emeritus, Ben-Gurion University
"This learned, sweeping, panoramic view of the Jewish experience
in modernity will long remain...the standard history of this
period." –Alfred Gottschalk, President Emeritus, Hebrew Union
College-Jewish Institute of Religion
“In this expansive and magisterial history of the Jews in the
modern world...this distinguished historian and experienced teacher
has created a vibrant, highly readable text for students and
general readers alike." –Jehuda Reinharz, President, Brandeis
"This is the work of a lifetime, a magisterial study....a book
that all future histories of modern Jewry will be judged by."
–Jonathan Sarna, Chairman, School of Judaic and Near Eastern
Studies, Brandeis University
The distinguished historian of the Jewish people, Howard M. Sachar, gives us a comprehensive and enthralling chronicle of the achievements and traumas of the Jews over the last four hundred years.
Tracking their fate from Western Europe’s age of mercantilism in the seventeenth century to the post-Soviet and post-imperialist Islamic upheavals of the twenty-first century, Sachar applies his renowned narrative skill to the central role of the Jews in many of the most impressive achievements of modern civilization: whether in the rise of economic capitalism or of political socialism; in the discoveries of theoretical physics or applied medicine; in “higher” literary criticism or mass communication and popular entertainment.
As his account unfolds and moves from epoch to epoch, from continent to continent, from Europe to the Americas and the Middle East, Sachar evaluates communities that, until lately, have been underestimated in the perspective of Jewish and world history—among them, Jews of Sephardic provenance, of the Moslem regions, and of Africa. By the same token, Sachar applies a master’s hand in describing and deciphering the Jews’ unique exposure and functional usefulness to totalitarian movements—fascist, Nazi, and Stalinist. In the process, he shines an unsparing light on the often widely dissimilar behavior of separate European peoples, and on separate Jewish populations, during the Holocaust.
A distillation of the author’s lifetime of scholarly research and teaching experience, A History of the Jews in the Modern World provides a source of unsurpassed intellectual richness for university students and educated laypersons alike.
From the Hardcover edition.
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