FRENCH CHEESES rtf 下载 2025 kindle mobi lrf 极速 pdf

A mouth-watering guide to more than 350 cheeses from every region of France, this definitive reference captures a vast array of savory fromages. Designed for both amateur enthusiasts and serious gourmets, this easy-to-use book enables readers to appreciate the flavors and the process of cheesemaking. Organized alphabetically, each cheese, its seasonal availability, regional origin, and properties are described concisely and clearly. Accompanying the entries are invaluable photographs of the cheese in its various states, both outward bulk and sliced through, for easy identification. In addition, every listing offers wine recommendations by international connoisseurs Robert and Isabelle Vifian, and includes tips for storing, serving, and sampling. To meet the needs of vacationing Epicureans who wish to truly taste the flavors of France, a detailed region-by-region listing of cheese producers, shops, and markets is featured. Additional chapters focus on the origins and history of French cheese, and follow the cheesemaking cycle throughout the year. A special glossary of French terminology related to cheese and its production is included. From recognizing more than a dozen blue cheeses to enjoying fromage frais, this book is an ideal quick reference to selecting and identifying French cheeses at home, in your local cheese shop, or, better yet, while traveling in France.
Although many guides to the art of fromagerie exist, none provide such visual detail and at-a-glance information as Masui and Yamada. They categorize 350 cheeses in a dictionary format, divided by regions of production, and add succinct sidebars about manufacturing processes and the definition of specific terms (i.e., the distinction between artisanal and industriel), generally enlightening even the most blaseof cheese buyers. Like many California wine, few of the cheeses produced in limited quantities even leave the country, so the compilation here yields many surprises. There is a massive amount of reference data to be consumed and savored piece by piece. A glossary and a list of producers, shops, and markets are appended. Sharp color photography by Yohei Maruyama.
Barbara Jacobs
The magnificent illustrations in this book are characteristic of the "Eyewitness Handbook" series: glossy color photographs, so finely reproduced that the subtlest shades of white, beige, gray, yellow and brown come alive. A complimentary foreword by the great chef Joel Robuchon concurs. Beyond the excellent visuals, however, is voluminous information on over 350 cheeses made in France. A concise introduction serves not only as a guide to interpreting each entry's economically arranged information but also to alert the reader that attention will be given to methods of production, aroma, taste, fat content, milk-type, and the ideal accompanying drinks. Included are a small glossary, a short bibliography, and even a directory of French cheese shops and markets at the end. Don't be put off by the somewhat narrow subject?here is a necessary selection for any collection with a sophisticated respect for food.
Wendy Miller, Lexington P.L., Ky.
length: (cm)21.5 width:(cm)15.2
A mouth-watering guide to more than 350 cheeses from every region of France, this definitive reference captures a vast array of savory fromages. Designed for both amateur enthusiasts and serious gourmets, this easy-to-use book enables readers to appreciate the flavors and the process of cheesemaking. Organized alphabetically, each cheese, its seasonal availability, regional origin, and properties are described concisely and clearly. Accompanying the entries are invaluable photographs of the cheese in its various states, both outward bulk and sliced through, for easy identification. In addition, every listing offers wine recommendations by international connoisseurs Robert and Isabelle Vifian, and includes tips for storing, serving, and sampling. To meet the needs of vacationing Epicureans who wish to truly taste the flavors of France, a detailed region-by-region listing of cheese producers, shops, and markets is featured. Additional chapters focus on the origins and history of French cheese, and follow the cheesemaking cycle throughout the year. A special glossary of French terminology related to cheese and its production is included. From recognizing more than a dozen blue cheeses to enjoying fromage frais, this book is an ideal quick reference to selecting and identifying French cheeses at home, in your local cheese shop, or, better yet, while traveling in France.
Although many guides to the art of fromagerie exist, none provide such visual detail and at-a-glance information as Masui and Yamada. They categorize 350 cheeses in a dictionary format, divided by regions of production, and add succinct sidebars about manufacturing processes and the definition of specific terms (i.e., the distinction between artisanal and industriel), generally enlightening even the most blaseof cheese buyers. Like many California wine, few of the cheeses produced in limited quantities even leave the country, so the compilation here yields many surprises. There is a massive amount of reference data to be consumed and savored piece by piece. A glossary and a list of producers, shops, and markets are appended. Sharp color photography by Yohei Maruyama.
Barbara Jacobs
The magnificent illustrations in this book are characteristic of the "Eyewitness Handbook" series: glossy color photographs, so finely reproduced that the subtlest shades of white, beige, gray, yellow and brown come alive. A complimentary foreword by the great chef Joel Robuchon concurs. Beyond the excellent visuals, however, is voluminous information on over 350 cheeses made in France. A concise introduction serves not only as a guide to interpreting each entry's economically arranged information but also to alert the reader that attention will be given to methods of production, aroma, taste, fat content, milk-type, and the ideal accompanying drinks. Included are a small glossary, a short bibliography, and even a directory of French cheese shops and markets at the end. Don't be put off by the somewhat narrow subject?here is a necessary selection for any collection with a sophisticated respect for food.
Wendy Miller, Lexington P.L., Ky.
length: (cm)21.5 width:(cm)15.2
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